Art Consultation

Discovering what style of art appeals to you can be a daunting task. As an art consultant, I have helped clients find the perfect piece of art for their home and budget. I can help you find the right artwork to suit your style of home.

Benefits of Hiring an Art Consultant
Discover exceptional contemporary artwork for your home
Master the art of hanging and displaying artwork with expert advice
• Ensure the art you purchase is sourced from esteemed galleries and artists. 

Services and Pricing
• Initial home or zoom call consultation $600 
• 10% commission on artworks purchased.
• Gallery Hop. Tour the best galleries in Sydney and enjoy private viewing of stockrooms in a relaxed enviroment. Cost on application.

Artwork by Harold David.

Blue seascape abstract art in room with timber floor. Theresa Hunt. Art consultant.
Artwork by Theresa Hunt.

Paintings by Belinda Street. Ceramic sculptures by Amelia Lynch